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KB Chatter

4.6 ( 9936 ratings )
Näringsliv Sociala nätverk
Utvecklare: KB-Render Corporation

KB Chatter is a chatting application for the business persons. Any one can use this app for chat.
It support following features.

- Support private as well as group chat.
- Allow to send images.
- User can edit or delete their message.
- User can search friends/user by any keywords, company, nearest location.
- Support social login with Facebook, Linked-In, Google Plus.
- Interactive UI.
- User can update his/her profile any time.
- Allow to change chat screen font and background color.
- User can delete his/her account.
- User can block unwanted user.
- Allow to create groups and add member to them.
- Push notification.

Any one can use this app for communication.